As the climate situation worsens, it can be challenging to keep a sense of hope.
This workshop will demonstrate different ways of building personal resilience, whether through meditation or listening structures, helping you handle the wide range of feelings that can come up as we fully face the crisis.
It will also lay the groundwork for working together with others, beyond the divisions that society so often seems to impose on us.
In this way, we can go forward together with real solutions.
Sustaining All Life (SAL) is a global organisation that allies with and supports organisations and individuals working to end the climate crisis. We provide tools that assist people to address emotional barriers to effective climate organising and to uncover and heal from the damage and separation caused by oppression.
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK), a registered charity since 1975, opens its doors every day of the year to students from all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds to study Raja Yoga meditation. Students find that meditating in this way daily brings a lot of peace and positivity to their lives. Since 2009 we have been actively involved in the COPs and many environmental actions focused on restoring our ecosystems and restoring human dignity.
The National Multifaith Youth Centre (NMYC) is a charity that aims to eliminate discrimination based on religion and belief. We work predominantly on university campuses across the UK, fostering multifaith relationships among students. We believe that people of all faiths and none must unite on issues that impact us all to achieve the most effective and inclusive outcomes. We are all affected by the looming climate crisis, therefore, it is only through collective action, shared love & understanding that we can solve this issue. At NMYC, unite young people of all backgrounds to be part of the solution.
Guest Experts
The Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA) is an organisation that explores psychological responses to the climate crisis. They provide support, conduct research, and offer training and consultancy services. CPA focuses on understanding the emotions, social, and mental processes that have contributed to the ecological and climate crisis, as well as our responses and adaptation processes to it. They are particularly concerned with the impact of climate change on young people and provide extensive research and support.
Buses: 6, 206, 226, 52, 98, 260 266 297,302, and 460 13 minute walk from Dollis Hill station (Jubilee line)