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Tuning In, Tuning Out
Just as musicians need to keep their instruments finely tuned in order to produce beautiful music and be in harmony with other players, so too we can learn the art of tuning into our inner selves whilst tuning out from external influences and distractions. 
Join our speaker this evening, Gil Fernandes, to explore:
What is the purpose and practice of tuning in and tuning out?
Why do we get out of tune with ourselves and others?
What part does intuition play?
Gil was born and grew up in Lisbon. After studying music in Austria, he transitioned to a successful IT career, contributing his skills to diverse industries, including airspace and telecom. In 2007 London beckoned, leading him into a consulting software development venture founded by a fellow meditator. Gil's journey with the Brahma Kumaris began in 1993, complementing his lifelong fascination with different types of yoga practices. Gil offers talks and courses in Raja Yoga a member of the Spanish and Portuguese group.  

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