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Conscience: Our Inner Compass
Conscience is an instrument of the soul. It detects both the distinctions between true and false, as well as ethically right and wrong. Conscience is the friend and guide of those  who aspire to moral integrity.  It is a reliable life coach, yet paradoxically mostly unheeded, and relegated to the back burner. 
Where do we stand and what are the steps to bring our inner ear closer to the voice of conscience and further from the voices of social norms?
Speaker: Denise Lawrence
Denise Lawrence has been a practitioner of Raja Yoga with the Brahma Kumarissince 1974. She is essentially a philosopher, spiritual teacher, author, podcaster and international speaker. She specialises in bridging the gap between ancient Hindu scriptures, mythology and rituals and the current expression of The Bhagavad Gita’s philosophy of spiritual knowledge and practice of Raja Yoga as defined at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. She currently lives in Southern France.

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