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मनमनाभव मंत्र का गुह्य भाव : Exploring the Deep Aspects of Manmanabhav Mantra
Celebrating Bhagavad Gita Jayanti, also known as Gita Mahotsav.
मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु |
मामेवैष्यसि युक्त्वैवमात्मानं मत्परायणः ||
Manmanabhav is the first blessing of the Satguru, God.  
Manmanabhav means :  Do not just remember God with your head, but make God your companion and remain combined with the Companion from your heart, and experience the sweetness of the love of all relationships. 
An evening to learn practical techniques for incorporating the Manmanabhav Mantra into our daily meditation practise, to help experience its transformative effects on our well-being. 
Dr. Pushpa Pandey - Senior Consultant Gynaecologist and Gita Scholar
Senior Consultant Gynaecologist at Bombay Hospital, Jabalpur, with extensive experience presenting at state, national, and international conferences. She facilitated the “Values in Health Care” training for Chhattisgarh government doctors in 2005-06, organised by the Janki Foundation. A life member of FOGSI, IMA, IMS, and the Medical Wing of the Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation in Mount Abu, she actively promotes holistic health and women's empowerment.
As a Raja Yoga practitioner since 1986, Dr. Pandey conducts workshops on stress-free living through Gita philosophy and meditation. She leads the “Divya-Garbha Sanskar” project, supporting expectant mothers and their families, and participates in health campaigns. Her publications focus on the Bhagavad Gita and women’s health.
Her accolades include the National Women Empowerment Award (FOGSI, 2015) and honours from local organisations, recognizing her contributions to community health and wellness.

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